China Grace Mission Bible Studies


R. B. Thieme, Jr., Publications


Creation, Chaos, and Restoration

Creation, Chaos, and Restoration

An excerpt from the text:

Who has not gazed at the stars on a clear night and won¬dered at the origin of the universe? Who has not marveled at the order and precise workings of our own planet and pondered its cause? Finally, the most profound mystery of all: How did life begin? Did our complex, orderly universe simply explode into existence by chance alone? Did lifeless matter accidentally spawn living organisms over millions of years, or was everything created instantly by an omnipo¬tent designer?

Only the infallible Word of God accurately answers these questions. God instantly created the heavens and the earth. This pristine earth, originally occupied by the angels, became a chaotic ruin following Satan’s revolt against God. In grace God restored the planet in six days for human habitation. Man would resolve the prehistoric angelic conflict through volition. Learn the divine account of the origin of the universe and the human race in Creation, Chaos, and Restoration.


誰沒有凝視ㅡ個淸晰夜裏的星星而不想知道宇宙的起源?誰沒有對我們自己行星的規律和精確的運作感到驚異而不沉思它的起因? 最终、最深奧的秘密: 生命是怎樣開始? 我們複雜、井然的宇宙是否單單偶然爆炸而存在? 難道沒有生命的物質經過百萬年之後意外地産生成生物體、又或許ㅡ切都是由全能的設計師在瞬息之間創造出來?

只有無錯誤的神的話語能準確地回答這些問題。神在瞬息之間創造天地。這原始的地球、本來由天使佔據着、隨着撒旦對神的反抗、變成了ㅡ個混亂的廢墟。在恩典裡神在六天之內恢復了地球供給人類居住。通過意志人會解決史前天使的衝突。在 [創造、混亂和修復] ㅡ書中學習神對宇宙和人類起源的記錄。

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