China Grace Mission Bible Studies


Problem Solving


Problem Solving


Genuine tranquility, contentment, and orientation to reality in the midst of the problems and hardships of life are the monopoly of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. God wants your life to reflect the incredible inner peace that our Lord expressed under the extreme pressures of the Incarnation. During His turbulent existence on earth He overcame every slander, persecution, stress, and test that the world and the devil launched at Him. He pioneered a spiritual life now available to you, the Church Age believer. You glorify God by learning and using His system.


How ridiculous to collect Bible doctrine in your soul and not apply it to your circumstances! You learn doctrine to use doctrine. Ten problem-solving devices unleash the power of metabolized doctrine that resides in your soul. Through spiritual growth you progress from the simplest faith decisions to the ultimate motivation and meaning for your existence—occupation with the Person of Jesus Christ. In spiritual childhood you learn complete dependence on the infallible promises of God and the irrefutable rationales of Bible doctrine. In spiritual maturity you sustain an intense love for the Lord, express unconditional love for all mankind, and share the complete contentment that marked the unique spiritual life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Armed with these spiritual assets you cannot fail to solve life’s dilemmas.

你收集聖經教義在魂裡而沒有在你的境遇中應用它是何等的荒謬! 你學習教義來使用教義。十個解決難題的策略釋放居留在你魂裡融會貫通的教義的力量。藉著在靈性上的長進你從最單純信心的決定進展為你存在最終的動機和意義—就是專心於耶穌基督。在屬靈的童年期間你學習完全的依賴神絕無錯誤的應許以及聖經教義不能反駁的推論。在靈性上成熟時你對主維持一個強烈的愛、對全人類表達無條件的愛、分享完全的滿足、那象徵救主耶穌基督獨特的屬靈生命。裝備著這些屬靈的資產、你對於解決人生的困境缺不會失敗。


How ironic that one of the exceptional mysteries in the Christian life is the meaning of and method for attaining spirituality. Spirituality, the absolute status of fellowship with God, is not dependent on pious living, penance, remorse, guilt, confession to others, but is a system of privacy and freedom that depends solely on God’s grace. You can learn in a matter of minutes the uncomplicated procedure for gaining and maintaining spirituality and use it to pursue a lifetime of meaning, purpose, and definition. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 83–90, 136–140)



#2—The Filling of the Holy Spirit

The Biblical mandate "to be filled with the Spirit" is not an order to undergo emotional ecstatic or to raise your consciousness to mystically commune with God. Through rebound every Church Age believer has the privilege and opportunity of being controlled by God the Holy Spirit. He empowers you to reject the sin nature’s control of your life, metabolize the message from the Bible, and grow in the unique spiritual life. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 90–99)



#3—The Faith-Rest Drill

As a growing but still immature believer, what do you do when difficulty strikes? Do you seek counsel from others, lean on your Christian friends, or just deny the existence of a problem? Learn the technique of clinging to God’s promises until they become more real to you than your emotions, your experience, your circumstances, or your problems. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 99–208)


身為一個在成長中但是仍然未成熟的信徒、當困難襲擊的時候, 你怎樣去處理? 你是否尋求他人的忠告、倚靠你基督徒的朋友、或僅僅否認問題的存在? 學習緊握著神的應許的技巧、直至它們比你的情緒、你的經驗、你的環境、或你的難題變得更加真實。

#4—Grace Orientation

Arrogance creates problems; humility solves problems. When you grasp God’s grace policy and how little you deserve the inconceivable bounty He provides, your soul is humbled within. Learn humility—the attitude for teachability and problem solving—and build Christian virtue. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 200–277)


傲慢的態度產生難題; 謙虛解決問題。當你領會神恩典的政策和你值得很少他不可思議、慷慨的供應時、你的魂在內心裡謙卑下來。學習謙卑—是可教性和解決難題的態度—並且建立基督徒的美德。

#5—Doctrinal Orientation

How can you concentrate on your obligations and enjoy a relaxed mental attitude when problems intrude on every aspect of your life? Learn to think with the "mind of Christ" and apply that thinking to your circumstances. When you are inculcated with doctrinal norms and standards, you rely on the Lord, make good decisions from a position of strength, and employ the problem-solving devices of spiritual maturity. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 277–325)


當難題闖進你生活的每一方面時、你怎能在你的義務上專心、享受一個鬆弛的心理態度? 學習思想「基督的心意」、應用那思考在你的處境內。當你藉著諄諄的教誨、接受教義的模範和標準、你仰賴主、在一個鞏固的位置上作正確的決定、雇用屬靈成熟的解決難題的策略。

#6—A Personal Sense of Destiny

Do you recognize your personal potential in the plan of God? Do you have a sense of your spiritual destiny? With confidence born from a ripening spiritual maturity you can learn to live in the light of an eternally secure future. Adversity fades in proximity to the spiritual self-esteem generated from a limitless relationship with the Lord. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 326–513)


你有否認識在神的計劃裏你個人的潛力? 你有沒有你個人屬靈的命運感? 藉著在靈性上成熟所產下的信心你能學習活在鑒於永恆無慮的未來。你與主有個無限的關係、產生了屬靈的自尊。接近於這個狀況中、你的不幸消失了。

#7—Personal Love for God the Father

When you understand God’s perfect essence and orient to His grace and His Word, you become motivated by an attitude of admiration and reverence toward Him. You learn to conform to His precedent of virtue and integrity. This motivational virtue based on absolute confidence in the divine ability to care for you supports and sustains momentum for problem solving and courage in the face of adversity. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 514–517)



#8—Impersonal Love for All Mankind

What is the most severe test in life? People! Learn to exhibit virtue-love, even toward those who are obnoxious or evil. When you obey and imitate the Lord, you can repay insults with patience and humility, antagonism with compassion and kindness, and reserve the tranquility in your own soul. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 675–708)


生命最嚴格的試驗是什麼? 人們! 學習表現美德的愛、甚至對那些討厭或邪惡的人。當你服從和模仿主的時候、你能用耐性和謙虛補償侮辱、同情與仁慈補償敵意、而且保持你自己魂裡的安寧。

#9—Sharing the Happiness of God

Does your happiness depend upon people, circumstances, or the details of life? Learn to have an attitude of optimism, confidence, animation, and joy in the face of adversity, stress, and pressure. When your spiritual life takes precedence over circumstances, you carry God’s happiness with you as a constant companion. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 781–790)


你的喜樂是否仰賴他人、環境、或是人生細節的事? 學習有樂觀主義、信心、活潑的態度、以及面對不幸、憂慮、和壓力的喜樂。當你視屬靈的生命比境況更重要的時候、你隨身携帶神的喜樂有如一個固定的伴侶。

#10—Occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ

Are you always looking for a role model in life? You already have one! During the Incarnation, our Lord displayed impeccable spirituality, faith-rest, grace and doctrinal orientation, fulfillment of His destiny, personal and impersonal love, and the happiness of God. Now, your mental attitude can reflect the ultimate problem-solving perspective through occupation with Him. (Series No. 376, Spiritual Dynamics, lessons 929–930)


你是否經常尋找生命的一個模範角色? 你早已有一個! 在道成肉身的期間, 我們的主陳列無暇的屬靈狀態、信靠與安息、迎合神的恩典和教義、達成他的命運、個人以及客觀的愛、和神的喜樂。如今、藉著專心於他、你的心理態度能反映最終的解決難題的透視。

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