China Grace Mission Bible Studies


R. B. Thieme, Jr., Publications


King of Kings and Lord of Lords

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Summary of the book:

Who was this Jesus Christ? Why was this innocent man put to death? Jesus, was undiminished deity while humbling Himself as true humanity in one person. He came to die as our substitute, the perfect sacrifice for sinful man—the only way of salvation. He is the unique Person of the universe, King of kings and lord of Lords!

Delineated in this book are the six trials of Christ, His phenomenal character and strength in the face of agonizing torture, His work as Mediator between God and man, and the significance of His resurrection. He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. One day He will reign over the entire world and we, as believers in Christ, will be a part of His magnificent Kingdom.


这位耶稣基督是谁? 为什么要处死这个无辜的人? 耶稣, 是一个未被削弱的神性, 同时谦卑自己作为一个人的真正人性。祂作为我们的替身而死, 为罪人完美的牺牲—唯一的救赎的途径。祂是宇宙中独一无二的人, 万王之王, 万主之主!

本书描述了基督的六次审讯, 祂面对痛苦折磨时非凡的品格和力量, 祂作为神与人之间的中保的工作, 以及祂复活的意义。祂现在坐在父神的右边。有一天他将统治整个世界, 而我们作为基督的信徒, 将成为祂宏伟国度的一部分。

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