China Grace Mission Bible Studies
R. B. Thieme, Jr., Publications
The Blood of Christ
The Blood of Christ
Summary of the book:
The blood of Christ links the New Testament with the Old Testament. God ordained animal sacrifices in Israel to foreshadow the saving work of the promised Messiah.
For hundreds of years, The innocent animal symbolically bore the guilt of the sinner. When Christ came as the reality, The promise was fulfilled. He became “ The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
For some the blood of Christ has been associated with a lifetime of emotional experiences. They have grown up with the idea that there was a special power in the red liquid that circulated through Jesus’ mortal body. This mysticism is not biblical! The “blood of Christ“ is a metaphor for His spiritual death in which He received in the judgment that removed the penalty of sin.
几百年以来,无辜的动物像征性地承受罪人的过失。当基督以现实来到,应许实现了。祂成为 “神的羔羊除去世人的罪。”
基督的血对一些人来说是与他们一生的情感体验有关。他们自幼有这样的想法,循环在耶稣凡人体内的红色液体有着一种特殊的力量。这种神秘感是不乎合圣经的! “基督的血” 是祂在灵性上死亡的隐喻,祂接受判决,消除了罪的惩罚。